
Siwei Feng is a CS and Robotics Ph.D. student at Rutgers


me Hi, my name is Siwei Feng, and my publication name is Si Wei Feng. I am an algorithm engineer at Autel Robotics. I did my Ph.D. in Computer Science at Rutgers University with a focus on Algorithmic Robotics. Before that, I obtained my bachelor's degree in computer science and technology from USTC.
Contact: ustcsiwei88@gmail.com


[08/2023] I am joining Autel Robotics as an Algorithm Engineer.
[06/2023] I successfully defended my PhD (with great thanks to my committee).


"Optimal Allocation of Many Robot Guards for Sweep-Line Coverage." Si Wei Feng, Teng Guo and Jingjin Yu. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023. paper
"Polynomial Time Near-Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning in Three Dimensions with Applications to Large-Scale UAV Coordination." Teng Guo, Si Wei Feng and Jingjin Yu. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2022. paper video
osg2d "Barrier Forming: Separating Polygonal Sets with Minimum Number of Lines." Si Wei Feng and Jingjin Yu. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2022. paper talk code
"On Minimizing the Number of Running Buffers for Tabletop Rearrangement." Kai Gao, Si Wei Feng and Jingjin Yu. Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS) 2021. paper
Toward Fully Automated Metal Recycling Using Computer Vision and Non-Prehensile Manipulation." Shuai D. Han, Baichuan Huang, Sijie Ding, Changkyu Song, Si Wei Feng, Ming Xu, Hao Lin, Qingze Zou, Abdeslam Boularias and Jingjin Yu. IEEE International Conference on Automation Science & Engineering (CASE 2021). paper
osg2d Sensor Placement for Globally Optimal Coverage of 3D-Embedded Surfaces." Si Wei Feng, Kai Gao, Jie Gong and Jingjin Yu. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2021). paper, talk, code
"Team RuBot’s Experiences and Lessons from the ARIAC." Si Wei Feng, Teng Guo, Kostas E. Bekris and Jingjin Yu. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 70, 102126. (RCIM 2020). paper, video, code: rubot2019, rubot2020
osg2d "Optimally Guarding Perimeters and Regions with Mobile Range Sensors." Si Wei Feng and Jingjin Yu. Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS 2020). paper, talk, code
conveyer "Toward Fast and Optimal Robotic Pick-and-Place on a Moving Conveyor." Shuai D. Han, Si Wei Feng and Jingjin Yu. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5.2 (2019): 446-453. paper, video
"Optimal Perimeter Guarding with Heterogeneous Robot Teams: Complexity Analysis and Effective Algorithms." Si Wei Feng and Jingjin Yu. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5.2 (2019): 430-437. paper, video
"Efficient Algorithms for Optimal Perimeter Guarding." Si Wei Feng, Shuai D. Han, Kai Gao and Jingjin Yu. Robotics: Science and Systems (R:SS 2019). paper, talk

Academic Activities

Reviewer for RA-L, IJRR, ICRA, IROS, and AAMAS.

Paper presenter at RSS 2019, RSS 2020, ICRA 2021, ICRA 2022, and AIM workshop 2020.